P-Unit Information


If your child has been nominated as being on a P-Unit they are being provided with a personalised program. This is where adjustments to curriculum and assessment goes beyond that of the usual differentiation teachers make, to support student learning. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's class teacher to discuss.

Further information can be found in our P-Unit Information Letter.


Where possible, the achievement section is based on assessment completed by students in class. Where assessment is not yet finalised classwork is assessed. Students are assessed on a five point scale. Outstanding, High, At standard, Partial and limited. Please note, students assessed at a Limited level are at risk of receiving an E-grade on end of semester reports.


The effort section is based on student effort in class. Students are assessed on a four point scale. Consistently, Usually, Sometimes and Rarely. Please note students assessed at a Rarely level are at risk of receiving an E-grade on end of semester reports.