Pastoral Care

Hour-long Pastoral Care classes (PC) are held on a fortnightly basis during first lesson. The Pastoral Care Curriculum has a large focus on social and emotional learning. PC supports students to build resilience, a growth mindset and make smarter choices. PC also supports the Student Pathways process and the preparation of students for life after high school. Special presentations with a wellbeing focus are also embedded into the Pastoral Care Program. PC classes also meet for 10 minutes at the start of each day. This gives staff and students an opportunity to monitor attendance and general student progress, check in together and disseminate daily information. PC teachers also provide support and refer students for additional support if needed, assist with the ILP/ CLP & PLP process for students with special needs, students in care and A&TSI students. For Year 7 students, there is a major focus on settling into all aspects of high school life including making new friends and adjusting to the differences between primary school and high school.